Monday, October 29, 2007

whats mainstream? obesity, heart disease, diabetes, ADHD

There was an article in the Australian Magazine on the weekend explaining how a new study has come out to say that exercise it pointless because it wont make you lose weight... what scientist was doing this experiment? i think its been a well known fact the exercise does a lot for your body on top of losing fat!

Today there are so many mixed messages being sent to the public. We are told the exercise to lose weight then NO Dont bother it actually wont help, Obesity is caused by eating too much fat and then no its actually genetic and there is nothing you can do about it, Dont give kids sugar because it will make them crazy then dont worry about it coz sugar makes no difference, if you have high cholesterol then change your diet but wait no need to change your diet just TAKE LOTS OF DRUGS! Heart disease is the same, acne is the same athletes foot, the flu, etc etc ALL THE SAME ....there are so many health problems out there these many ways of fixing everything but underlying it all is the Pharmaceutical companies making money out of selling sickness and selling drugs. Notice that no company has ever designed a tablet that will fix the problem with one dose??? they create these drugs that need to be taken every single day for the rest of your life!

i'm not saying that medicine is a bad thing, in many ways we have been so lucky to have it and the advances it has made in our world BUT there comes a time when we have to say how much is too much? do i really need to be taking drugs for my asthma, diabetes, arthritis, headaches, and hayfever?

WE NEED TO LOOK AT OUR DIETS...what are we putting into our bodies? i bet your poor little body doesnt like it very much...and oh yeah and we need to get off our lazy backsides and start exercising.

why do so many people just not get it?

check out this video it makes a lot of sense!


Keith Henderson said...

Interesting post. I too have noticed that everyone seems to be sick these days. There seems to be a tendency in society to over-diagnose problems when our parents probably would have been told to 'just get over it'!

Media sensationalism plays a major role. Many people blindly trust what they hear on tv without a thought to where the message is coming from. I am certainly sceptical with much of the information promoted by the commercial media. It makes me think: who's paying who? Are we listening to objective science or 'payed up' conveyers of a corporate message.

As an aspiring dietician with an interest in lifestyle and the human psyche I keep my focus on simple goals in my quest for health. In my opinion you cant go wrong with the food pyramid. Eat lots of wholegrain carbohydrates, fruit, and vegetables. A low GI focus increases stamina, places less strain on the liver, and helps weight regulation. Avoid highly processed foods, fats, and sugar as much as possible. The simplest way to do this: Eat natural un-refined foods whenever possible, make it a habit and really enjoy the occassional splurge (something I have been doing far too much lately with all the uni stress!)

And exercise, exercise, exercise. I cant wait for the end of uni and summer so I can start looking after myself again.

You might be interested in this interview conducted on ABC radio regarding the obesity epidemic, I'm not sure if the audio is still available on the website. I'm also not sure if the Australian government and food industry would find it very convenient either.

Have a good one,


Anonymous said...

A recent study found that green tea makes the blood flow smoother and the arteries under less stress. The researches say that green tea is better than black tea because, green tea contains more falconoid (which is good for heart health). A couple of cups of green tea a day would be good for health in general specially heart.

Puneet Chauhan said...

I lost a lot of weight by taking Phentermine that I ordered from i am very satisfied!